When you can't find pre-existent software or packaged software to meet your needs, we can design and program a custom solution to meet your exact needs
Bespoke software development can bring great advantages in terms of business edge and purpose, but of course is more expensive and time intensive to develop. However for those that can afford this route, a more precise fit is assured. You get a software solution that does exactly what is needed, no more, no less. This often leads to quicker adoption from staff and less confusion. Training requirements are also reduced
We use a five stage methodology to acheive the end result
- Define
- Design
- Develop
- Deploy
- Debug
Some of the companies we have developed software for include:-
- Bay Shipping Ltd
- TATA / CORUS / British Steel
- Norwich Union
- L & M Engineering
- Hill House & Hammond
- Brohome
- Fordberry
- NRW Properties
- Biozyme
Industries we have developed software for include:-
- Insurance
- Accountancy
- Banking
- Engineering
- Automation
- Property
- Manufacturing
- Steel Processing
- Profiled Steel
- Teaching & Training
Types of software we have developed include:-
- Accountancy - Double entry ledger system with reconcilliation
- Job Costing system
- Mass Cheque printing system
- Insurance PayAways system
- Web based shopping system
- Web based shipping agency system
- Mobile apps
- Machine Automation with SCADA